頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量-預知坐化安詳往升淨土

頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量



頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量




首先我要再三再次的感謝我們偉大的佛陀上師老人家(即是三世多杰羌佛雲高益西諾布頂聖如來——編者注,下同),安排我內人劉惠秀師姐今年八月六日坐化圓寂往升淨土之大恩大德,真是粉身碎骨難以報答。今年七月七日我由西雅圖飛來洛杉磯,代我的內人劉惠秀師 姐向老人家求法,承蒙老人家慈悲,清清楚楚並鄭重的告訴我:劉惠秀同學在修了這個法、套上種子字,保證一定坐化圓寂往升西方極樂世界,並且絕對的不會有疼痛。果不出佛陀上師所言,劉惠秀往升前連嗎啡都沒有用,並且毫無痛苦。劉惠秀師姐在八月六日上午五時許,由睡床坐起說她要走了,並且很從容的將她心愛的一隻小玩具布狗,擺到與劉惠秀師姐同一方向,而後盤上腿結上佛陀上師所傳的手印套上種子字,一直到當天上午九時五十五分往升。


八月五日,佛陀上師在電話中要我不要急,放心的讓劉惠秀師姐睡覺,當時我將手機擺到劉惠秀師姐的耳邊,讓她直接聽佛陀上師老人家在電話中的開示,隨後她就睡了,第二天,也就是八月六日往升當天的清晨三點多,醒過來告訴我們說,她去了一趟西方極樂世界,隨後,就再小睡到五時許,醒過來,丟下一句話說,她要走了,我們全家大小頓時焦急萬分,我試著打了佛陀上師的手機二、三十次,無奈老人家手機一直關機,在求助無門的情形下,只能打給老人家的侍者Kuan師兄,煩Kuan師兄轉告佛陀上師,劉惠秀師姐可能很快的就會走了,後來Kuan師兄向老人家報告,西雅圖劉惠秀師姐已經往升了,當時的時間大約在八月六日上午五點多,老人家當時訓了Kuan師兄:『胡說八 道!跟佛菩薩約的時間還沒到,劉惠秀同學怎麼往升,不可能的!』,而Kuan師兄報告佛陀上師說,是我告訴他的,他當然相信在劉惠秀師姐身邊的我,但是遠在西雅圖兩千英哩外的佛陀上師卻訓了Kuan 師兄胡說八道,與佛菩薩約定來接劉惠秀同學的時間未到,劉惠秀同學不可能走的。

各位法師、師兄們,遠在西雅圖兩千英哩外的佛陀上師,為什麼會如此有把握地告訴Kuan師兄:劉惠秀同學不可能走的,各位法師、師兄們,這又是什麼一個概念呢?這不再度說明並清清楚楚的擺明:我們的佛陀上師,是什麼樣的聖德了嗎?!(眾人:阿彌陀佛!)老人家的把握是百分之百的,是絕對的,更擺明著老人家跟阿彌陀佛是相通的,要不然如何安排西方三聖來接引劉惠秀師姐往升淨土呢?往升的時間早就安排好了,不然,佛陀上師又如何敢如此肯定地說:時間沒到,劉惠秀同學不可能走的。各位師兄們,萬一老人家 說錯了怎麼辦?八月六日上午七點多,佛陀上師電告國際佛教僧尼總會主席隆慧法師,即刻來到廟子正式向廟子的眾出家法師宣佈:『即刻啟程西雅圖,因為西雅圖劉惠秀同學今天將往升』,並鄭重的宣佈:『但是現在尚未往升』,請問世人,我們無論是多麼的愚痴,頭腦有多麼的笨,多麼的簡單,我們也該明白既然Kuan師兄在八月六日上午五點多,就已向佛陀上師彙報劉惠秀已經往升,而佛陀上師卻照常讓隆慧法師到廟上公開宣佈說:「劉惠秀同學現在還沒有往升,但今天會往升。」,並且派法師們立刻啟程去西雅圖主持往升儀式,請問各位法 師、師兄們,當今世界上有哪一位大師,敢在弟子尚未往升就敢公眾地正式宣佈,宣告某某弟子今天就會往升呢?這不清清楚楚地告訴世人:我們的佛陀上師是代表著佛陀的最高正法嗎?(眾人:是啊!是 啊!) 我內人劉惠秀師姐在七月七日由我代向老人家求法的那一刻開始,到八月六日往升這三十天內,發生的點點滴滴,若不用佛陀上師他代表著佛陀的最高正法來解釋,來說明所發生的一切,那麼這世界上再也找不到有哪位大師,可以解答我心中許多認為不可能的疑惑。

以上我所說的一切並包括今天未提到的一切,都是事實,都是真實不虛的,不但是我悟道本人身歷其境,加上我三個小孩,林以倩, 林以珮,林業善,及女婿Chris他們也都在場,我前面所說的一切,若有半點虛假不實,我願暨三個小孩及女婿全家五口,墮金剛地獄,永 不得超生。(眾人:阿彌陀佛!阿彌陀佛!) 弟子悟道,中文俗名林永茂,英文俗名Mark Lin,誠心摯誠起誓。 2003年9月3日。

佛弟子 林永茂

(以上為全球佛教出版社暨世界法音出版社摘自林永茂居士本人2003年9月3日之 實況錄音)

頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量

Peacefully Passing to the Pure Land in a Sitting Position at the Predicted Time

Dharma Teachers, Brothers and Sisters, Amitabha! What can I say today? I am simply grateful and very moved. I fear that I am so moved I will not be able to say what is in my heart. In order to be responsible toward the law of karma, I drafted a statement.

I would first like to thank once more our magnificent Buddha Master 1 . Out of great kindness, on August 6th of this year, the Buddha Master arranged that my wife, fellow student Hui-Hsiu Liu, pass away in the cross-legged posture and be reborn in the Pure Land. Even if my body were smashed to pieces for the Buddha Master, I could never repay such an act of great kindness.

On July 7th of this year, I flew from Seattle to Los Angeles in order to seek the dharma from the Buddha Master on behalf of my wife, fellow student Hui-Hsiu Liu. The Buddha Master was compassionate. His Holiness clearly and solemnly said to me, "If student Hui-Hsiu Liu practices this dharma, as well as its related seed syllable, I guarantee that she will pass away in the cross-legged posture and be reborn in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, she will definitely not experience any pain at death."

It turned out just as the Buddha Master said. Before Hui-Hsiu Liu passed away, she did not even use morphine. She did not experience any pain at all. At about 5:00 in the morning on August 6th, fellow student Hui-Hsiu Liu sat up on her bed and said she was going to pass away. She then calmly put her favorite toy, a small cloth dog, in the same direction as she was facing. Then she got in the cross-legged sitting posture, put her hands in the mudra the Buddha Master taught her, and visualized the seed syllables. There she sat all the way until 9:55 that morning, when she passed away.

I would like to ask all of you dharma teachers and fellow students something. In today's world or in modern history, what type of Master would dare to guarantee beforehand that if his disciple practices a dharma that he transmits, that disciple will pass away in the cross-legged posture at the predicted time? Fellow students, just what kind of a feat is that? If the Buddha-dharma were not real, if the Buddha Master's state of realization were not that of a Buddha, then how could Hui-Hsiu Liu, who was in the last stage of cancer with lymphoma that had already spread throughout her entire body, calmly sit in the cross-legged posture, put her hands in a mudra, and tell me that she will now pass away? If the Buddha-dharma were not real, if the Buddha Master's state of realization were not that of a Buddha, then how could she have passed away in the cross-legged posture exactly as the Buddha Master guaranteed beforehand? Doesn't this clearly indicate the accuracy of the Buddha Master's guarantee uttered beforehand, namely, that Hui-Hsiu Liu would pass away in the cross-legged posture and be reborn in the Pure Land? Doesn't this also clearly indicate that our magnificent Buddha Master is a great holy being who represents the great Buddhadharma? (Everybody replied: Amitabha!)

On August 5th, Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu's situation was critical. From what my family members and I could see, her situation at that time was very critical. However, the Buddha Master told me over the phone quite resolutely, "Student Hui-Hsiu Liu will not pass away tonight. She will pass away tomorrow. You can set your mind at rest and let her sleep." Dharma Teachers and fellow students, had the Buddha Master not seen long beforehand the exact time of Hui-Hsiu Liu's passing, how could His Holiness confidently tell me that Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu would not pass away that night and that I should let her sleep? Just what type of a feat is that? Doesn't this clearly demonstrate that H.H. Buddha Master is a holy being who represents the magnificent Buddha-dharma and that His Holiness is a saint of the highest magnitude?

On August 5th, the Buddha Master told me over the phone not to worry. His Holiness told me to set my mind at rest and let Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu sleep. At that time, I put the cell phone near the ear of Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu so that she could hear for herself the instructions of the Buddha Master spoken over the phone. After that call, she went to sleep.

The next day, which was August 6th, the day she would pass away, she awoke after 3:00 in the morning and told me that she had taken a trip to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. She then took a nap till about 5:00. After she awoke, she stated that she would now die. All of my family members suddenly became terribly worried. I tried to call the Master's cell phone twenty or thirty times. However, the Master's cell phone was turned off. In that state of helplessness, the only thing I could do was call the Buddha Master's attendant, Brother Kuan. I imposed upon Brother Kuan to report to the Buddha Master that Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu might pass away very soon. Brother Kuan reported to the Buddha Master that Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu from Seattle had already passed away. That took place on August 6th sometime after 5:00 in the morning. Scolding Brother Kuan, the Buddha Master said, "Nonsense. The time of her death that I arranged with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas has not yet come. How, then, could student Hui-Hsiu Liu have passed away? That would be impossible." Brother Kuan then told the Buddha Master that he heard that information from me. Of course, Brother Kuan believed me since I was at the side of Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu. However, the Buddha Master, who was two thousand miles away from Seattle, scolded Brother Kuan for speaking nonsense, saying that the prearranged time for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to escort student Hui-Hsiu Liu away had not yet arrived and that student Hui-Hsiu Liu could therefore not have died. Dharma Teachers and fellow students, how is it that the Buddha Master, who was two thousand miles away from Seattle, could have such confidence when His Holiness told Brother Kuan that Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu could not possibly have died?

Dharma Teachers and fellow students, just what kind of a feat is that? Doesn't this once more clearly demonstrate what kind of a holy being our Buddha Master is? (Everybody replied: Amitabha!) The Buddha Master was 100% certain. His Holiness was absolutely sure. This proves that the Buddha Master communicated with Amitabha Buddha. Otherwise, how could the Buddha Master arrange for the Three Holy Ones of the Western Paradise to escort Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu to the Pure Land after her death? The time of her death was prearranged long ago. Otherwise, how could the Buddha Master state with such certainty that the time of Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu's death had not yet come and that she could not possibly have already died? Fellow students, what if the Buddha Master's words turned out to be mistaken?

After 7:00 in the morning on August 6th, the Buddha Master telephoned the President of the International Buddhism Sangha Association, Venerable Dharma Teacher Long Hui. The Buddha Master told her to go to the temple immediately and formally announce to all of the temple's dharma teachers that they must at once travel to Seattle because student Hui-Hsiu Liu from Seattle will pass away that very day. The Buddha Master also solemnly declared, "However, she has not yet passed away."

I would like to ask everyone something. No mater how ignorant, stupid, or simple-mined we may be, we should understand something. After 5:00 in the morning on August 6th, Brother Kuan reported to the Buddha Master that Hui-Hsiu Liu had already passed away. Yet, the Buddha Master had Venerable Dharma Teacher Long Hui go to the temple to declare openly that student Hui-Hsiu Liu had not yet died but that she will die that very day. The Buddha Master also instructed the dharma teachers to take off for Seattle immediately in order to conduct ceremonies for the deceased. Dharma teachers and fellow students, what other master in the world today would dare openly and formally announce before the death of a disciple that such disciple will pass away that very day? Doesn't this clearly demonstrate to the people of the world that our Buddha Master represents the supreme and authentic dharma of the Buddhas? (They replied, "Yes! Yes!")

On July 7th, on behalf of my wife, Sister Hui-Hsiu Liu, I beseeched the Buddha Master to transmit dharma. From that day until August 6th, when Hui-Hsiu Liu passed away, thirty days passed. Everything that occurred during that thirty-day period could only be explained by the fact that the Buddha Master represents the supreme and authentic dharma of the Buddhas. I could not find another master in the entire world who could resolve all of my many doubts about the seemingly impossible things that occurred.

Everything that I have just described, as well as many things that occurred that I did not describe today, is true. All of these occurrences are factual. I, Mark Lin, am not the only one to have personally seen them take place. My three children, Yi-Chien Lin, Yi-Pei Lin, and Ye-Shan Lin, as well as my son-inlaw Chris, were all present. If anything that I have just stated is false in the slightest, I am willing, together with my three children and son-in-law, to descend into the Vajra Hell realm with no chance of ever being released from there. (Everybody replied: Amitabha! Amitabha!) I am disciple Wu Dao. My Chinese secular name is Yung-Mao Lin. My English secular name is Mark Lin. I sincerely make this vow before the Three Jewels. Today is September 3rd, 2003.

Buddhist disciple

Mark Lin

(The above was excerpted by World Buddhism Publishing LLC and World Dharma Voice, Inc. from my recording on September 3, 2003.)

出處: 237-239頁




頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的 聖量預知坐化安詳往升淨土







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佛教五明展顯,藝術成就非凡- 國際藝術大師義雲高(第三世多杰羌佛)

义云高 (H.H.第三世多杰羌佛) 获评显密圆通大师

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