至高佛法再次震撼世界 (祿東贊•慈仁嘉措法王展示生死自由)

至高佛法再次震撼世界 (祿東贊•慈仁嘉措法王展示生死自由)




  1. 「與濼漫談」-【至高佛法再次震撼世界】 第三世多杰羌佛弟子祿東贊‧慈仁嘉措法王圓寂,生死自由
  2. 維加斯新聞報:至高佛法再次震撼世界
  3. 臺灣時報 中華民國107年9月28日國際7版:至高佛法再次震撼世界
  4. 中國時報 中華民國107年10月20日專輯A8版 :至高佛法再次震撼世界
  5. ASIAN JOURNAL:Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes The World
  6. 祿東贊尊者第四世慈仁嘉措法王簡介




2018年09月22日 維加斯新聞報  文:劉應鴻



南無 第三世多杰羌佛 把如來大法帶到了人間,恢復了釋迦牟尼佛教法的本原,續佛慧命,更帶至了深化捷徑成就的佛教宗風。比如《解脫大手印》,比義內密境行法"的灌頂,以及無與倫比的修行法度,和至高快捷的成就法,更是史無前聖,說之不盡,道之不完。都知道南無 第三世多杰羌佛 五明登峰、佛陀聖量,確實,都拿出了事實擺在那裡。可是,筆者想提示一個問題給大家思考,這是羌佛的成就,如釋迦牟尼佛一樣,是佛陀自身的成就,與我們沒有關係,真正與我們息息相關的,是要能教人成就。這才是至要至要!我們對此實地考察,的的確確,羌佛所教的大成就者歷歷在目,如悟明長老、意昭長老、因海聖尊,又如候欲善聖德,林劉惠秀聖德,趙玉勝聖德等等,在實踐中證明瞭羌佛所教的人取得了顯赫的成就。


祿東贊法王一生拜學過很多佛教著名人物,自1995年拜 第三世多杰羌佛 為師以來,好似拾到了珍稀至寶。恰如漢人中唯一的拉然巴格西——洛桑珍珠格西在答記者問中,說他自己學佛六十年,不如跟羌佛學一天!這是什麼概念啊!祿東贊法王學到羌佛傳的行與法後,放棄了所有以前學到的沒有效果的法,專修羌佛所傳甚深佛法,證量突飛猛進,福慧圓滿,2004年展示了大力王金剛之力,在勝義浴佛法會上,當眾抬起四千多磅重的浴佛蓮池取水,2009年當眾修法神識出體取得金剛丸,最終明心見性,證到了法身,有銀盒帶至今傳世弘揚。


在2017年依固聖德的文章《我敢保證功德與罪業、佛降甘露》中,引用了祿東贊法王的原話,告訴廣大行人他等不到古佛寺奠了:"……我祿東贊•慈仁嘉措,根本沒有資格做古佛寺方丈……任古佛寺監院都還不夠格呢,更何況我已經沒有瞻仰禮拜古佛寺的因緣了。……我雖然對生死有把握,但到了佛土再返回人間,我就沒有把握,因為不知道阿彌陀佛批不批准我返回人間現身禮佛,除非南無羌佛恩師召喚我。" 如此有把握的預知生死,是何等大法才能得到的成就啊!

世界佛教總部在2018年的第20180102號回覆諮詢中說:"今天總部兩位董事去請示法王,有人問法王什麼時候圓寂,祿東贊法王說,他是修 第三世多杰羌佛 本尊法成就了生死自由的,他會盡快把最後一場法修了,寫下決定圓寂書就圓寂,不會耽誤時辰。"聖德組的聖德們聽了,立刻進入擇訣觀照,發現祿東贊法王已經圓滿證達三段金釦上尊位!


2018年9月,祿東贊法王祈請佛陀恩師南無 第三世多杰羌佛 修一場勝義的火壇大供,他說:"用這最高最大的如來正法,來證明那些在社會上打著宗派傳承旗號的人物是凡是聖,是不是失傳正法的佛教外行。這些帶邪惡見的人,他們在網上社群中大力破壞誹謗羌佛恩師的行與法。我們唯有這樣,才能破邪顯正!"




果然,祿東贊法王說了要等的最後一場法會就是這場法會,第二天,他便沐浴更衣,進入修法,在禪坐前擺上寫字台、筆墨、宣紙、塗改液,給南無 第三世多杰羌佛 寫下了拜別文書,當下坐化圓寂!各個寺廟的僧侶們聞悉趕到,法王早在最後落筆的剎那間,毫不拘束,瀟灑圓寂。此時眾人才恍然大悟,原來,祿東贊法王的拜別文,是為眾生指明如來正法大法的所在處,是南無 第三世多杰羌佛 所掌控的,如釋迦牟尼佛一樣的,只屬於佛教而沒有派別的佛法!






















祿東贊法王 祿東贊法王(Dharma King Gar Tongstan.)
祿東贊法王生死自由,在預告的時間圓寂 祿東贊法王生死自由,在預告的時間圓寂
Dharma King Gar Tongstan attained freedom from birth and death; and passed away at a state of liberation at a time he foretold.
祿東贊法王圓寂之前,自己磨墨寫下 祿東贊法王圓寂之前,自己磨墨寫下"拜別文",落筆剎那,瀟灑圓寂
Before Dharma King Gar Tongstan passed away in a state of liberation, he personally grinded his ink and wrote the Verses of Respectful Farewell. At the very moment he put down his brush, he passed away gracefully and completely at ease
Dharma King Gar Tongstan attained mastery over his own birth and death. He said he would leave this world before the ink got dry and he did. After he was cremated, he left behind ringsels; unprecedented relic-flowers in green, blue, yellow, white, and black colors; and a tooth-relic. Such are testimony that he said his words truthfully and exactly as the facts.


臺灣時報 中華民國107年9月28日國際7版

臺灣時報 中華民國107年9月28日國際7版  至高佛法再次震撼世界▲臺灣時報 中華民國107年9月28日國際7版  至高佛法再次震撼世界


中國時報 中華民國107年10月20日專輯A8版 

中國時報 中華民國107年10月20日專輯A8版  至高佛法再次震撼世界▲中國時報 中華民國107年10月20日專輯A8版  至高佛法再次震撼世界

Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes The World

By Liu Yinghong

In Buddhism, mastery over one's own birth and death has always been a legend. Yet, in September of 2018, I saw that with my own eyes!

The Buddhism founded by Sakyamuni Buddha has been propagated in the world for more than 2,000 years and has evolved into various sects and schools, each with its own teachings and traditions. Patriarchs, eminent monastics, and greatly virtuous people have all talked about how they themselves possess the best teachings, boasting that they themselves can teach people the ultimate accomplishment and liberation. Yet, what are the results? As proven by facts, very few people in history truly attained the accomplishment of actual liberation. Rather, the overwhelming majority of people have been unable to attain accomplishment from practicing dharma.

There have been those who attained outstanding accomplishment, such as Bodhidharma, Hui Neng, and Han Shan. In more recent times, there were Xu Yun, Hui Ming, Sheng Qin, and other elderly dharma masters. There were also Guru Padmasambhava, Master Tsongkhapa, Master Karmapa, Venerable Atisa, and Venerable Suchandra, among others. Still, persons of holy virtue with the kind of accomplishment of those people are so rare. Especially in the last 100 years or so, the dharma-ending era has taken a deeper and more pervasive hold. The true dharma of the Tathagatas is already almost completely lost. This applies even to leading figures of the modern era who were world-renowned people with titles such as eminent monastics or greatly virtuous ones, for when they approached the end of their lives, they suffered from pain till the very end. They did not attain liberation from birth and death, not to mention having control over their own birth and death.H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has brought the great dharma of the Tathagatas to the human world, resumed the original teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, restored Buddhism to how it was when Sakyamuni Buddha was in this world, and even brought about a template by which Buddhists get faster and higher accomplishment through diligent cultivation. Such great dharmas include The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, initiation into the "Holy Inner-Tantric Jingxing Dharma," dharma methods of cultivation that are beyond compare, and supreme dharmas that lead quickly to accomplishment. Such teachings and dharmas, which are innumerable, have never been previously brought to this world by any other holy person in history.

It is widely known that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has reached the pinnacle of accomplishment in the Five Vidyas and that His Holiness has the holy realization of a Buddha. This has indeed been validated by all kinds of facts. I would, however, like to propose that everyone give some thought to one thing. The accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, just like the accomplishments of Sakyamuni Buddha, are the accomplishments of a Buddha and have nothing to do with us. What is truly intimately relevant to us is that we Buddhists can become accomplished through following the teachings. It is this that is of utmost importance!

In this regard, we conducted on-the-spot investigations. It is indeed true that greatly accomplished ones who were taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can still be vividly recalled in everyone's minds. They include Elder Dharma Master Wu Ming, Elder Dharma Master Yi Zhao, and Holy Venerable Yin Hai. Other examples are persons of holy virtue such as Dharma Master Tonghui, Master Puguan, Elder Dharma Master Guozhang, Great Venerable Wang Lingze, Layperson Cheng Efen, Hou Yushan, Lin-Liu Huixiu, and Zhao Yusheng. The facts prove that people taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III have attained extraordinary accomplishments.

Moreover, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Dharma King Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, who was the President of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, demonstrated his world-astounding mastery over his own birth and death!

Dharma King Gar Tongstan

In his lifetime, Dharma King Gar Tongstan had learned from many famous figures within Buddhism. Since he became a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in 1995, it was as if he had found the rarest and most precious treasure. His experience was just like that of Luosang Zhenzhu Geshe, the only Larampa Geshe among the Han Chinese people, who, when answering a reporter's question, said that his previous sixty years of learning Buddhism could not match one day of learning from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! Think of the implications of that!

After Dharma King Gar Tongstan learned dharmas and cultivation practices transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, he gave up all the ineffective dharmas that he had learned before and dedicated himself to practicing the profound Buddha-dharmas transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His realization advanced by leaps and bounds, and he attained perfect good fortune and wisdom. In 2004, he demonstrated the vajra power of one who has the most extraordinary physical strength in the world. At the Holy Buddha-Bathing Dharma Assembly, as witnessed by many, he lifted the Buddha-bathing lotus tub weighing more than 4,000 pounds to pour water from it. In 2009, in front of many people, he performed a dharma by which his consciousness exited his body and fetched a vajra pill that was a distance away from him. Ultimately, the Dharma King illuminated his mind, saw his original nature, and realized the dharma-body (dharmakaya). The Silver Box Dharma Discourses, in which he talks about his realizations, are to this day widely distributed in the world.

In 2015, the planning and preparatory committee for the building of the Juexing Temple in Taiwan invited Dharma King Gar Tongstan to serve as the abbot of the temple. In a letter dated July 16, 2016, Dharma King Gar Tongstan wrote to the committee, telling them that he could not serve as the abbot of the temple because he does not have such karmic conditions. (For details, please see "Answer No. 18" in the "Important Replies from Holy Virtuous Ones and Eminent Monastics" issued by the Inquiry Center of WBAH.)

In 2017, a person of holy virtue by the name of Chen Yigu wrote the article I Dare to Guarantee What Merit Is and What Sin Is, and Buddha-Bestowed Nectar. That article quoted words from Dharma King Gar Tongstan informing Buddhist practitioners that he could not wait until the foundation of Ancient Buddha Temple is laid: "I, Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, am simply not qualified to be the abbot of Ancient Buddha Temple.…I am not even qualified to be the supervisor of Ancient Buddha Temple. Furthermore, I already lack the karmic conditions to see and pay obeisance to Ancient Buddha Temple.…Although I am confidently in control of my birth and death, I am not sure I can return to the human world after arriving at a Buddha-land. That is because I do not know whether Amitabha Buddha will allow me to return to the human world to pay respect to the Buddha in person, unless H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, my beneficent Master, summons me." What great Buddha-dharma it is by which the Dharma King could attain such accomplishment and confidently foretell his own birth and death!

In "Inquiry Reply No. 20180102" issued in 2018 by WBAH, it was stated, "Today, two members of the board of directors of World Buddhism Association Headquarters went to seek instructions from the Dharma King, as some people are asking when the Dharma King will leave this world in a state of liberation. Dharma King Gar Tongstan said that he had accomplished control over his birth and death by practicing a dharma, the yidam of which is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He said that once a last dharma is performed, he will write a decision letter about his leaving this world and then will leave this world in a state of liberation. He stated that he will not waste any time. Upon hearing that, members of the Persons of Holy Virtue Group at WBAH immediately entered a supernatural observance and found that Dharma King Gar Tongstan had already fully realized the status of Shang Zun at the level of Gold Button Grade 3!

Why was the Dharma King able to speak with such certainty? In today's world, where could people possibly find such Buddha-dharma by which they can attain control over their own birth and death? For almost 100 years, there has not been Buddha-dharma that astounded the world in this way. The Dharma King said that once a last dharma has been performed, he would leave this world in a state of liberation as soon as possible. What dharma was he waiting for? What kind of decision letter would he leave behind? Anyway, that would happen very soon. It was just a matter of waiting for a dharma assembly to take place. We eagerly waited to see whether what he said was empty talk or a reference to an actual great dharma!

In September 2018, Dharma King Gar Tongstan beseeched his beneficent Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to perform a holy fire-mandala grand offering. He said, "Your Holiness the Buddha should use this highest and greatest dharma of the Tathagatas to verify whether those who flaunt the banners of their lineages in society are ordinary or holy people, whether they are amateurs in Buddhism who have lost the lineage of true dharma. Those who carry evil views have made much efforts in social-media websites on the internet to undermine and slander the conduct and dharma of my beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is the only way for us to refute their evil and show what true Buddha-dharma is!"

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, "You are wrong. One must not cause others to feel bad for one's own sake. I am not able to perform that dharma. Even if I were to perform it, I would only be able to chant according to the rituals."

Dharma King Gar Tongstan continued to beseech, "My beneficent Buddha Master, even assuming that dharma is not performed for the sake of validating Yourself, that dharma still needs to be performed for the sake of validating the true dharma of the Tathagatas, for the sake of living beings in the entire Western world so as so eliminate their disasters and pray for their good fortune, and for my sake, Your disciple Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, who is beseeching true Buddha-dharma so that I may have the requisites for my accomplishment!"

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III then said, "Since this relates to the great cause of spreading true Buddha-dharma in the entire Western world, and for the sake of praying for good fortune to benefit living beings, you can rest assured that this dharma assembly will be performed. Even if I do not do perform it, a person of tremendously holy virtue will perform it."

On September 17th, a metalwork specialist led a team to rush the fabrication of a brass cauldron. On September 18th, Sister Xuan Hui brought sandalwood pieces and charcoals from the residence of Dharma King Gar Tongstan to be burnt during the homa fire-offering. On September 19th, the "Holy Fire-Offering Grand Dharma Assembly" was formally held at the Holy Miracles Temple in the United States.

The "Holy Fire-Offering Dharma" is the king of all dharmas in eliminating karmic hindrances and increasing good fortune. About eighty years ago in Tibet, this dharma was once successfully performed by Master Phapongka and Kangsa Rinpoche. Ever since, both in Tibet and the regions of the Han Chinese, the so-called fire-offering dharma has been something that is merely described in books or described orally as being a holy dharma practice; that is, there has not been any actual manifestation of holy states during that time. There have only been conventional dharma practices performed through the chanting of rituals.

However, on September 19th at the Holy Fire-Offering Grand Dharma Assembly that was performed by one of tremendously holy virtue at Holy Miracles Temple in the United States, Vajra Maternal Buddha personally arrived in the sky. Her entire tall and enormous blue body emitted light. In an article published on the internet, someone said that they saw Vajra Maternal Buddha flick a finger, sending forth a flash of light from the sky. The fire inside the cauldron then ignited.

However, I have interviewed quite a few people who saw something different. They saw that Vajra Maternal Buddha, who was blue, manifested Her appearance in the sky. She was enormous, very tall, and extremely dignified and majestic. Her body and movements changed. A net of fire and lightning swirled around Her entire body. As soon as the fire-ignition guardian finished beseeching Her to ignite the fire, Vajra Maternal Buddha suddenly emitted a flash of light from between Her eyebrows directly into the fire cauldron. In an instant, a raging fire started burning! At that time, only five pieces of sandalwood had been placed inside the fire cauldron. How could such a raging fire possibly ignite in an instant?

Subsequently, the demons captured inside the vajra demon-subduing bowl struggled desperately to escape, trying to shake the bowl to find an exit. Right at the moment that the bowl shook, Vajra Maternal Buddha again sent forth a flame from between Her eyebrows directly toward the demon-subduing bowl. Suddenly, the sound "Hong" was heard. The demon-subduing bowl emitted golden flames, instantly turning the demons and black karma of the attending cultivators into pulverized powder. Vajra Maternal Buddha subdued the demons, whose souls were brought to a Buddha-land to be edified! The nearly 100 cultivators attending the dharma assembly were greatly astonished, and they were all kowtowing non-stop to pay obeisance!

At the dharma assembly, the one of tremendously holy virtue announced to the practitioners, "This dharma assembly has now been performed. Dharma King Gar Tongstan will very soon leave the world."

Sure enough, this was precisely the last dharma assembly that Dharma King Gar Tongstan said he was waiting for. On the next day, the Dharma King took a bath, changed his clothes, and entered his dharma practice. In front of his meditation seat, there was a writing desk, brush and ink, paper, and white-out fluid. After writing a letter respectfully bidding farewell to H.HDorje Chang Buddha III, the Dharma King immediately went into a sitting meditation and passed away in a state of liberation.

When monastics from different temples heard the news and quickly made their way to the site, they found that right after the Dharma King put down his brush, he passed away in a state of liberation gracefully and completely at ease. At that time, everyone came to realize that the Verses of Respectful Farewell written by Dharma King Gar Tongstan are pointing living beings to where the true, great dharma of the Tathagatas is. That is, the true dharma is held and controlled by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. It is the same as the dharma of Sakyamuni Buddha; namely, Buddha-dharma that is non-sectarian and belongs to the entirety of Buddhism!

The following are the Verses of Respectful Farewell written by Dharma King Gar Tongstan:

Verses of Respectful Farewell

Namo beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Disciple Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso has decided to leave this world.

As life is filled with suffering,

I rushed about learning Buddhism and seeking enlightenment.

I have followed many masters:

Guang Qin, Xuan Hua, Kalu,

And Dharma King Dilgo Khyentse,

Diligently practicing their dharmas and the Sakya unshared LamDre Dharma,

All to no avail.

Thankfully, I met my Buddha Master.

Through the Mahamudra of Liberation that is supreme and unsurpassed,

And the secret initiations and transmissions of holy dharma from my Buddha Master,

I achieved control over my own birth and death.

My direct realization is reality.

I now put down my brush and leave this world,

Entering into the state of liberation before the ink dries.

Namo my beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

Disciple Tongstan respectfully bids farewell.

September 20, 2018



H.H. 祿東贊尊者第四世慈仁嘉措仁波且,是第三世多杰羌佛的弟子,現任華藏寺第二任法王。早年遍訪拜學多師無果,後依止第三世多杰羌佛修學心地法門,於真如佛性中返本還源。受第三世多杰羌佛境行灌頂修學現量大圓滿,一個時辰內證入虹身境界。再修《解脫大手印》境行法之金剛換體禪,兩小時內開頂,經核磁共振儀檢測照片,見頂門骨肉腦髓大開約一英吋寬。自此神識出入肉體無礙,曾當著尊者仁波且們展顯了神識取物聖量。已四大皆空、明心見性、徹證真如。祿東贊法王公開發願效學第三世多杰羌佛願力,今生只利益眾生,絕不收受任何供養,他說到做到。如此聖潔德境,當今世界的活佛法師中實難尋找……



祿東贊法王參與的最後一場法會佛史上傳聞的「勝義火供大法」 洛杉磯聖蹟寺舉行

#第三世多杰羌佛 #DorjeChangBuddhaIII #釋迦牟尼佛 #解脫大手印 #金剛換體禪 #悟明長老 #因海聖尊 #祿東贊尊者 #祿東贊法王 #蓮花生大師 #勝義火供法 #學佛新生活




佛教五明展顯,藝術成就非凡- 國際藝術大師義雲高(第三世多杰羌佛)

义云高 (H.H.第三世多杰羌佛) 获评显密圆通大师

世界佛教总部咨询中心 回覆咨询 (第20180102号)